My Partner had tried to get me to read this multiple times, and i kept putting it off. Once I finally gave in and listened to it read on resonance (listen here) I regretted putting it off for so long. It has become one of my favorite pieces and I’m shocked it isn’t more known. I’m hoping I can bring this a potential second life. If you haven’t read this, please, give it a shot
“To choose your own side in the social war is to jump into that abyss. But this is the only chance we have at living.
And as soon as you take the plunge, you will find there are others who have your back, others who will fight alongside you. For the first time, you will know what it means not to be alone.
Until then, keep your eyes open. Don’t believe the lies they tell about us. You may think that by fighting back, we are being irresponsible, but know that we are not the empty headed whiners, not the self-absorbed brats they may portray us as. We know very well the consequences of our actions, and each of us face down the possibility of death or life imprisonment every day. We all have friends who have been tortured or killed in this fight. We continue to fight, because we are in love with all the possible worlds that are not allowed to bloom”
The people vs the united states read
The people vs the united states print