About feralspore

Posts by feralspore

For an Ecology of the Marvelous

An extremely short and enchanting text about how surrealism intersects with nature and the wild


“We want the earth to quake! We want the dams of exploitation and alienation to break! We welcome the flood of marvelous freedom amidst the debris of destruction! We want lives beyond measure! We imagine a world without rulers or ruled!”

For an ecology of the marvelous Screen read

For an ecology of the marvelous Print

Affirming the open: An Ontological Anarchist Manifesto

A new manifesto from a friend of mine and long time anarchist Julian Langer! I’m happy to be putting this out and helping spread the ideas of ontological anarchy.


“The-open conserves nothing and is the preservation of the open. In the-open badgers play, hawks soar, seals explore, monsters of the deep dark oceans lurk and spiders spin webs. In the-open uncontacted tribes live free from the closed, closures, the temporary totalitarian-zone, Leviathan.”


Affirming the open screen read

Affirming the open Print

The People VS The United States

My Partner had tried to get me to read this multiple times, and i kept putting it off. Once I finally gave in and listened to it read on resonance (listen here) I regretted putting it off for so long. It has become one of my favorite pieces and I’m shocked it isn’t more known. I’m hoping I can bring this a potential second life. If you haven’t read this, please, give it a shot


“To choose your own side in the social war is to jump into that abyss. But this is the only chance we have at living.

And as soon as you take the plunge, you will find there are others who have your back, others who will fight alongside you. For the first time, you will know what it means not to be alone.

Until then, keep your eyes open. Don’t believe the lies they tell about us. You may think that by fighting back, we are being irresponsible, but know that we are not the empty headed whiners, not the self-absorbed brats they may portray us as. We know very well the consequences of our actions, and each of us face down the possibility of death or life imprisonment every day. We all have friends who have been tortured or killed in this fight. We continue to fight, because we are in love with all the possible worlds that are not allowed to bloom”


The people vs the united states read

The people vs the united states print

Direct action submission 2/18/22 Shell kills


Anonymous DA submission from Pittsburgh on 2/18/22



“Autonomous individuals used bicycle locks to shut down a Shell gas station in Pittsburgh. Four pump stations, each with two unleaded fuel dispensers, were disabled by pulling the fuel nozzle handles toward metal bars surrounding the pump stations, then locking the nozzle handles to the metal bars. Each lock had the words “Shell Kills” attached to it along with Shell’s logo in the form of a skull.


This direct action temporarily disabled a part of the fossil fuel system, imposing costs on Shell. Others are encouraged to replicate this action, as well as use other direct action tactics to destroy fossil fuel companies like Shell. The individuals also wished to express solidarity with protestors across the world who recently took part in the Global Coastline Rebellion against Shell and other fossil fuel companies.


The time to wait for these companies to stop their assault is over. Politicians will not and cannot take the necessary action. Direct action is needed to impose costs on these companies, so they will no longer stand in the way of a liveable future for the world”


Submit your own direct action, communique, graff, sabotage, or anything of the sorts to feralspore@protonmail.com

  1. Use a VPN and a Tor browser. ProtonVPN can be found here, and can be used for free and you can download Tor here.
  2. Use an antispam email address that will self-delete after ten minutes.  One recommendation could be tempr.emailDo not use GuerrillaMail as it seems to have compatibility problems. 
  3. Send an account of the action, a place, and a date if required and media if available.
  4. If sending media, get rid of all metadata using ExifCleaner on desktop found here or Obscuracam on mobile here.
  5. Do NOT give personal details including name, nickname or any other identifying data.

Towards A Less Fucked Up World: Sobriety and Anarchist Struggle


A longer text on the intersection of straightedge and the anarchist/punk scene, originally written in the early 2000s this version has 5 years afterward written by the original author.


“I know a disturbing amount of folks in radical communities who spend their entire income on alcohol and tobacco. People who shoplift from the local food coop because they don’t want to pay for food will head down the street to the chain convenience store and pour the tiny bit of money that they do have into some of the most wicked fucking corporations in operation today. There seems to be an incredible blind spot around tobacco and booze with regards to ethical consumption; kids who’ll demonstrate against Wal-Mart or Exxon for their labor or environmental practices will then turn around and buy cigarettes and beer from stores that have devastatingly negative impacts on local communities and that were produced by companies that are central to everything that is awful about global capitalism”


Towards A Less Fucked Up World Read

Towards A Less Fucked Up World Print


Republished by Feral Spore Distro.

Liberated from Sprout Distro

Melt Divine Feminine into Divine Animacy


A short work from Sophie Strand, a relatively new author/poet writing about Animism and mythology.

I found out about her thru the podcast “The Emerald”

(This episode in particular)


“Divine Feminine just isn’t big enough for all the relationships holding and constituting me these days. She thins my language into a one to one relationship. Even if she includes saints and “mother earth” and all women, it’s easy to slip into monic language. One mother. One relationship. One sacred gender expression. One temporality. One thinking animal. One species.”


Melt Divine Feminine into Divine Animacy Read

Melt Divine Feminine into Divine Animacy Print


Republished by Feral Spore Distro.

Liberated from Sophie Strand.



Vegan Means Attack

This short text is a mainstay whenever I table. One of my favorite works by the mythical Flower Bomb.


“There is a war to be waged against society, alongside the non-human animals who refuse domesticated subservience, and who are evicted from their homes due to mass deforestation, human development and technology. Veganism burdened by the millstone of liberalism, fails to critically acknowledge capitalist, industrial civilization itself as the massified, embodiment of anthropocentric domination”


Vegan means attack Read

Vegan means attack Print


Redesigned and republished by Feral Spore Distro.

Liberated from Warzone distro.

Native blood: the truth behind the myth of `Thanksgiving Day’


I figured this would be a very topical essay since “thanksgiving” is coming up tomorrow.


“Every schoolchild in the United States has been taught that the Pilgrims of the Plymouth Colony invited the local Indians to a major harvest feast after surviving their first bitter year in New England. But the real history of Thanksgiving is a story of the murder of indigenous people and the theft of their land by European colonialists–and of the ruthless ways of capitalism”


Native blood read

Native blood Print


Redesigned and republished by Feral Spore Distro.

Liberated from Warzone distro.

Gender Nihilism


One of my most beloved texts, if anyone asks me for a recommendation on queer anarchist theory, this is what i suggest.


“Relentless critique of positive gender politics is thus a starting point, but one which must occur cautiously. For if we are to criticize their own normative underpinnings in favor of an alternative, we only fall prey once again to the neutralizing power of normalization. Thus we answer the demand for a clearly stated alternative and for a program of actions to be taken with a resolute “no.” ”


Gender nihilism Read

Gender nihilism Print


Redesigned and republished by Feral Spore Distro.

Liberated from Warzone distro.

The paltry ideal of democracy


One of my favorite anti democracy short-form texts from one of my favorite writers.


“In recent years, the ideal of democracy has achieved global dominance. Organizations from the U.S. government to the EZLN to the Unite Nations call for more democracy on both the local and the global scale, and many revolutionaries let themselves be drawn into this chorus of bleating sheep and calling shepherds. A mythology develops in which the goddess Democracy is flanked on the one side by Liberty and on the other by Justice and together, it is said they will bring peace and prosperity to the world.

Reality, of course, never lives up to the myths by which it justifies itself. The ideas, perspectives and social systems promoted by the rulers of the present society are those that serve to maintain and expand their power. In this light, those who seek the destruction of the social order would do well to look at democracy with a cruel and penetrating eye in order to examine its real nature. I think we’d find this “goddess” to be, in fact, a shabby deceiver, wooing us into our enslavement, wed to the masters of power.”


The paltry ideal of democracy Read

The paltry ideal of democracy Print


Redesigned and republished by Feral Spore Distro.

Liberated from Willful Disobedience