For an Ecology of the Marvelous

An extremely short and enchanting text about how surrealism intersects with nature and the wild


“We want the earth to quake! We want the dams of exploitation and alienation to break! We welcome the flood of marvelous freedom amidst the debris of destruction! We want lives beyond measure! We imagine a world without rulers or ruled!”

For an ecology of the marvelous Screen read

For an ecology of the marvelous Print

Affirming the open: An Ontological Anarchist Manifesto

A new manifesto from a friend of mine and long time anarchist Julian Langer! I’m happy to be putting this out and helping spread the ideas of ontological anarchy.


“The-open conserves nothing and is the preservation of the open. In the-open badgers play, hawks soar, seals explore, monsters of the deep dark oceans lurk and spiders spin webs. In the-open uncontacted tribes live free from the closed, closures, the temporary totalitarian-zone, Leviathan.”


Affirming the open screen read

Affirming the open Print